jueves, 24 de diciembre de 2009

Dos papers interesantes de la revista Fisioterapia Española

Estimados, subo dos papers interesantes de la revista Fisioterapia Española. Uno de neurokinesiología y otro de kinesiología traumatológica.

Espasticidad después de la lesión medular: revisión de los mecanismos fisiopatológicos, técnicas de diagnóstico y tratamientos fisioterapéuticos actuales

Revisión interesante acerca de un tema que es bastante complejo en la clínica.

Efecto del Kinesio taping sobre la respuesta refleja de los músculos bíceps femoral y gemelo externo

Es un estudio de laboratorio interesante que mide los efectos reflejos del k-tape en la musculatura de MMII con EMG de superficie. Los resultados sorpresivamente apoyan lo contrario a lo que dice el creador de la técnica, sin embargo las diferencias no son estadísticamente significativas.

Que sea de provecho!!

miércoles, 23 de diciembre de 2009

Distonia del Escribiente (Writer's Cramp)

Es una condición poco frecuente, que se trata de una distonia focal que afecta principalmente al miembro superior y cintura escapular.

Mientras estuve en CETRAM, me tocó ver a 3 personas con este problema por lo que decidí realizar una búsqueda de la mejor evidencia disponible con respecto al tratamiento de dicha patología.

Aquí les subo 2 papers: uno de fisiopatología para comprender la enfermedad y otro de tratamiento. Como siempre, evidencia de la más alta.




lunes, 21 de diciembre de 2009

Effects of task-oriented circuit class training on walking competency after stroke: a systematic review

Wevers L, van de Port I, Vermue M, Mead G, Kwakkel G.Effects of task-oriented circuit class training on walking competency after stroke: a systematic review Stroke.2009;40:2450-2459

Center of Excellence for Rehabilitation Medicine Utrecht, Rehabilitation Center De Hoogstraat, Utrecht, The Netherlands.

BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: There is increasing interest in the potential benefits of circuit class training after stroke, but its effectiveness is uncertain. Our aim was to systematically review randomized, controlled trials of task-oriented circuit class training on gait and gait-related activities in patients with stroke. METHODS: A computer-aided literature search was performed to identify randomized, controlled trials in which the experimental group received task-oriented circuit class training focusing on the lower limb. Studies published up to March 2008 were included. The methodological quality of each study was assessed and studies with the same outcome variable were pooled by calculating the summary effect sizes using fixed or random effects models. RESULTS: Six of the 445 studies screened, comprising 307 participants, were included. Physiotherapy Evidence Database scores ranged from 4 to 8 points with a median of 7.5 points. The meta-analysis demonstrated significant homogeneous summary effect sizes in favor of task-oriented circuit class training for walking distance (0.43; 95% CI, 0.17 to 0.68; P<0.001), gait speed (0.35; 95% CI, 0.08 to 0.62; P=0.012), and a timed up-and-go test (0.26; 95% CI, 0.00 to 0.51; P=0.047). Nonsignificant summary effect sizes in favor of task-oriented circuit class training were found for the step test and balance control. CONCLUSIONS: This meta-analysis supports the use of task-oriented circuit class training to improve gait and gait-related activities in patients with chronic stroke. Further research is needed to investigate the cost-effectiveness and its effects in the subacute phase after stroke, taking comorbidity into account, and to investigate how to help people maintain and improve their physical abilities after their rehabilitation program ends.

Bajar Aquí

domingo, 20 de diciembre de 2009

Professionalism in Physiotherapy

Product Description
As the role of the physical therapist widens to include more primary care and diagnostic responsibilities, there is a greater need for a single, up-to-date resource that explores professional roles and developments in this changing field. This new book is the definitive reference on this important topic.

This concise book provides information on every vital area important to professionalism: documentation, law and ethics, and leadership - all in the context of the five roles of the physical therapist as defined by the APTA's Guide to Physical Therapist Practice, 2nd Edition. Readers will find information on the history of professionalism in physical therapy, the five roles of the physical therapist (Patient/Client Manager, Consultant, Critical Inquirer, Educator, and Administrator), the role of the physical therapist in today's health care system, and professional leadership and development. Case studies, "how to lists" and "tips from the field" encourage critical thinking and provide strategies for various issues. The book also offers tips on preparing a portfolio, determining leadership style, and preparing a professional development plan based on the APTA's five roles.

Table of Contents
I. Historical Perspective and Professional Practice Issues
1. The Physical Therapist as Professional
2. The History of the Profession
3. Contemporary Practice Issues
II. The Five Roles of the Physical Therapist
4. Physical Therapist as Patient /Client Manager
5. Physical Therapist as Consultant
6. Physical Therapist as Critical Inquirer
7. Physical Therapist as Educator
8. Physical Therapist as Administrator
III. The Complex Environment of Health Care and Professional Development
9. The Organizational, Political, and Cultural Context of Professionalism in the U.S. Health Care System
10. Professional Development, Leadership, and Exemplary Practice
11. The Future


sábado, 12 de diciembre de 2009

Practical Evidence-Based Physiotherapy

Product Details
Publisher: Butterworth-Heinemann
ISBN: 0750688208
Format: PDF
Size: 1.95 MB

Product Description
Authored by an international team of experts especially for physiotherapists, this new, one-of-a-kind resource examines evidence-based practice in physiotherapy - defining what constitutes evidence and how to implement findings in the day-to-day clinical setting. It discusses government and professional requirements for evidence-based medicine and clinical reasoning, and offers easy-to-follow guidelines for finding and applying evidence. It also offers useful strategies for determining whether benefits provided by physiotherapy interventions are significant enough to make the intervention worthwhile.

Table of Contents
Chapter 1. Evidence-Based Physiotherapy: What, Why and How?
What is evidence-based physiotherapy?
Why is evidence-based physiotherapy important?
History of evidence-based health care
How will this book help you to adopt evidence-based physiotherapy?
Chapter 2. What Do I Need To Know?
Relevant clinical questions
Refining your questions
Chapter 3. What Constitutes Evidence?
What constitutes evidence about effects of interventions?
What constitutes evidence about experiences and processes?
What constitutes evidence about prognosis?
What constitutes evidence about the accuracy of diagnostic and screening tests?
Chapter 4. Finding The Evidence
Search strategies
Finding evidence of effects of interventions
Finding evidence of prognosis and diagnostic tests
Finding evidence of effects of experiences and attitudes
Finding evidence of advances in clinical practice (browsing)
Chapter 5. Can I Trust This Evidence?
A process for assessing validity of evidence
Assessing validity of evidence about effects of intervention
Assessing validity of evidence about attitudes and experiences
Critical appraisal of evidence about prognosis
Critical appraisal of evidence about diagnostic tests
Chapter 6. What Does This Evidence Mean For My Practice?What does this randomized trial mean for my practice?
What does this systematic review of effects of intervention mean for my practice?
Is the evidence relevant to me and my patients?
What does the evidence say?
What does this study of attitudes and experiences mean for my practice?
What does this study of prognosis mean for my practice?
What does this study of the accuracy of a diagnostic test mean for my practice?
Chapter 7. Clinical Guidelines As A Resource For Evidence-Based Physiotherapy
What Are Clinical Guidelines?
History Of Clinical Guidelines And Why They Are Important
Where Can I Find Clinical Guidelines?
How do I know if I can trust the recommendations in a clinical guideline?
Legal implications of clinical guidelines
Reflections on the future of guideline development
Chapter 8. Making It Happen
What do we mean by 'making it happen'?
Changing is hard
Evidence-based implementation
Evidence-based practice in the context of quality improvement
Chapter 9. Am I On The Right Track?
Assessing Patient Outcomes - Clinical Measurement
Assessing process - audit
Concluding comments


lunes, 7 de diciembre de 2009

Diagnostico y Tratamiento de Las Alteraciones del Movimiento

Con este aporte me consagro!!!!! el que sabe, sabe....

Esta obra describe, por una parte, los cambios provocados por las actividades diarias en los patrones de movimiento y, por otra, las exploraciones básicas y las medidas fisioterapéuticas que se pueden usar para crear un sistema de clasificación basado en los sà ndromes de alteración del movimiento. Se proponen tres modelos de sistemas de movimiento cinesiológico, patocinesiológico y cinesipatológico y sus diferentes relaciones con las alteraciones del movimiento para luego explicar y describir el desarrollo y caracterà sticas de las mismas. A continuación, se estudian los sà ndromes de alteración del movimiento de la región lumbar, de la cadera, del hombro y del tren inferior siguiendo un patrón de descripción del dolor y los sà ntomas relevantes, asà como de las alteraciones de la alineación, patrones de reclutamiento, laxitud y rigidez relativa y de la longitud y fuerza musculares. El lector encontrará que cada sà ndrome se ilustra con la presentación de un caso y que se desarrollan las exploraciones de confirmación, la descripción y el programa terapéutico. Asimismo, se presenta un programa de ejercicios que sustenta las correcciones de la mecánica corporal y la ejecución de las actividades diarias; al tiempo que se ajusta a la exploración lo que permite que mientras el terapeuta lleva a cabo la exploración pueda ir decidiendo los ejercicios concretos que incluirá en el programa de ejercicios del paciente.


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