sábado, 27 de febrero de 2010

Ayudémonos todos!!


La situación del país en estos momentos es difícil, el terremoto ha sido devastador para el 80% del país, hay mas de 1.500.000 de hogares con daños estructurales, hay una cifra aumentando de muertos y una cifra incalculable aún de desaparecidos.

Quiero manifestar mi completo apoyo a la comunidad afectada y decirles que si necesitan ayuda tanto de mi como de este grupo, cuenten con disponibilidad completa y voluntaria. Creo que como profesionales de la salud debemos ayudar en todo lo que podamos.

Vamos Chile!! hemos superado catátrofes mayores que esta:

Quiero terminar con una cita bíblica que creo será de bendición para todos aquellos que esten sufriendo por esta causa:

"Antes, en todas estas cosas hacemos más que vencer por medio de aquel que nos amó. Romanos 8:37"

Saludos y bendiciones!

Francisco Pavez
Kinesiología Basada en Evidencia

jueves, 11 de febrero de 2010

Termoterapia profunda y evidencia científica

Effect of diathermy on muscle temperature,electromyography, and mechanomyography. Muscle Nerve 38: 992–1004, 2008

Randomized Controlled Laboratory Trial

Diathermy treatments may decrease musculotendinous stiffness, but not
absolute strength or motor control strategies that influence force production.


An evaluation of pulsed shortwave on knee osteoarthritis using radioleucoscintigraphy: a randomised, double blind, controlled trial. Joint Bone Spine 72 (2005) 150–155

Joint inflammation in knee osteoarthritis, measured using radioleucoscintigraphy, was not altered significantly by pulsed shortwave, therefore this therapeutic modality has little or no anti-inflammatory effect on conditions such as osteoarthritis of the knee.


Shortwave Diathermy and Prolonged Stretching Increase Hamstring Flexibility
More Than Prolonged Stretching Alone.J Orthop Sports Phys Ther 2004;34:13-20.

randomized, counterbalanced 2×3×5 repeated-measures design

These results suggest that hamstring flexibility can be greatly improved when shortwave diathermy is used in conjunction with prolonged stretching


Short-term Effectiveness of Hyperthermia for Supraspinatus Tendinopathy in Athletes: A Short-term Randomized Controlled Study. Am. J. Sports Med. 2006; 34; 1247

Hyperthermia at 434 MHz appears safe and effective in the short term for the management of supraspinatus tendinopathy.


Therapeutic eVect of spa therapy and short wave therapy in knee osteoarthritis: a randomized, single blind, controlled trial. Rheumatol Int (2007) 27:523–529

Our study demonstrated the superiority of arsenical ferruginous spa therapy compared to short wave therapy in the treatment of osteoarthritis


A placebo controlled double blind trial to evaluate the effectiviness of pulsed short wave therapy for osteoarthritic hip and knee pain. Pain 1996 (67) 121-127

Any treatment effect on this patient population appears to have been largely placebo-mediated. No evidence was found therefore the specific effectiveness of pulsed short wave for treatment of osteoarthritic hip or knee pain.


Effectiveness of Manual Therapy or Pulsed Shortwave Diathermy in Addition to Advice and Exercise for Neck Disorders: A Pragmatic Randomized Controlled Trial in Physical Therapy Clinics. Arthritis & Rheumatism (Arthritis Care & Research) Vol. 53, No. 2, April 15, 2005, pp 214–222

multicenter, 3-arm randomized controlled trial

The addition of pulsed shortwave or manual therapy to advice and exercise did not provide any additional benefits in the physical therapy treatment of neck disorders.


lunes, 8 de febrero de 2010

Curso IRA 2005 - Ministerio de Salud

Este sin duda es un aporte de antología. Lejos uno de los mejores.

sin mas preambulos


miércoles, 3 de febrero de 2010

A propósito de querer ser de primera consulta

Volviendo ya de mis vacaciones, y volcándome de lleno a lo que es la búsqueda de trabajo, aún así seguiré actualizando esta página.

A propósito de ser profesionales de primera consulta, uno de los principios básicos para ejecutar esta tarea es saber discriminar cuando un paciente es de nuestras competencias o no; es decir, cuando un dolor lumbar es de origen mecánico y no infeccioso, renal, menstrual, etc.. por ello les subo este libro que anduve buscando por bastante tiempo y unos amigos de USA lo escanearon al fin.

Differential Diagnosis for Physical Therapists: Screening for Referral

ISBN: 0721606199
Author: Catherine C. Goodman & Teresa Kelly Snyder
Publisher: Saunders
Edition: 4th Edition
Format: PDF
Size: 23.3 MB

Product Description:
Written by a leading expert in the field, this comprehensive reference text enables users to properly screen for medical disease to make an informed diagnosis. The goal of this proven text is to teach the Physical Therapist how to determine if the patient has a true neuromuscular or musculoskeletal problem and to determine the specific dysfunction or impairment. Now with a new title that reflects a better understanding of the screening process as the first step in making a diagnosis, this text provides students, physical therapy clinicians and physical therapist assistants with a step-by-step approach to client evaluation, which follows the standards of competency established by the American Physical Therapy Association (APTA) related to conducting a screening examination.

Table of Contents

Section One: Introduction to the Screening Process
1. Introduction to Screening for Referral in Physical Therapy
2. Interviewing As a Screening Tool
3. Pain Types and Viscerogenic Pain Patterns
4. Physical Assessment as a Screening Tool

Section Two: Viscerogenic Causes of Neuromusculoskeletal Pain and Dysfunction
5. Screening for Hematologic Disease
6. Screening for Cardiovascular Disease
7. Screening for Pulmonary Disease
8. Screening for Gastrointestinal Disease
9. Screening for Hepatic and Biliary Disease
10. Screening for Urogenital Disease
11. Screening for Endocrine and Metabolic Disease
12. Screening for Immunologic Disease
13. Screening for Cancer

Section Three: Systemic Origins of Neuromusculoskeletal Pain and Dysfunction
14. Screening in the Head, Neck, and Back
15. Screening in the Sacrum, Sacroiliac, and Pelvis
16. Screening in the Lower Quadrant: Buttock, Hip, Thigh, Groin, and Leg
17. Screening in the Chest, Breast, and Ribs
18. Screening in the Shoulder and Upper Extremity

A. Screening Summary
B. Special Questions to Ask
C. Special Forms to Use
D. Special Tests to Perform

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